Wildcard SSL Certificates

As an additional option with some of our SSL Certificates, you can secure an unlimited number of sub domains on the same domain name by adding the wildcard option to your order.

If you were to purchase a wildcard SSL Certificate for *.domain.com you would be able to secure unlimited sub domains, such as :

- www.domain.com
- admin.domain.com
- sales.domain.com
- anything.domain.com

Wildcard SSL Certificates are able to secure unlimited sub domains on 1 level (as above). In most scenarios a wildcard SSL Certificate can be installed several times on the same IP Address, whereas standard SSL Certificates require a unique IP Address for each installation.

Wildcard SSL Issued Within Minutes

Our Most Popular Wildcard SSL Certificates

Positive SSL + Wildcard - SSL Certificate 🔗

Trustico® Wildcard SSL Certificate 🔗

Sectigo® SSL + Wildcard - SSL Certificate 🔗

Please use the above links to the product information pages and optionally to go directly to our fully automated ordering system. Your wildcard SSL Certificate will be issued within minutes of your successful order.

We Match Our Competitors Prices

We'd prefer not to lose your business, if you have found a cheaper price we'll ensure to welcome you as a customer of Trustico® by matching the price you have found elsewhere. Go ahead and place your order, we'll refund the difference when you advise us within 7 days.